Who / How / Why?

Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected a list of the most frequently asked questions and answered them for your support. We’ll add more questions according to the customer’s feedback. Check back frequently Feel free to review the questions and let us know if you have anything in your mind. Contact our support team.

Do I start from the beginning, if I upgrade to a premium version?

When you upgrade to the premium version of a product, everything integrates smoothly with your free version. The PRO version will just add the extra features and your existing content won’t be lost.

Does the product come with the content of the demo?

Yes, you don’t need to do from scratch. You can easily import dummy data from templates and components after installing our theme and Rise Block Plugin.

How long can I use a theme?

You can use the free/premium themes as long as you wish to. However, your subscription for free updates lasts only for a year after the purchase. To know more, you can read the terms and conditions.

Is it possible to customize my website on both free & Premium Version?

If you are using our product, then we would happily help you customize your website. But remember, we only offer modifications that involve a few lines of codes or a few minutes of work. For new features and extra work, you need to hire our customizer team.

Does Rise Block Plugin work on any theme?

Absolutely! We’ve checked it on multiple WordPress free and premium themes, making sure everything works perfectly,

What does support cover in Pro version?

Support covers getting installing, confusion using any inbuilt features, bug fixes, and simple CSS customizations. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide support for modifications or 3rd party plugins integrations. For modification, you need to contact our customer team.

Do I need Gutenberg to use Rise Block Plugin?

Yes you do. Gutenberg is the default editor since WordPress 5.0. In order to use Rise Block with older WordPress versions, you need to install the Gutenberg Editor Plugin.

How to activate my product license to receive automatic updates?

To receive automatic updates of your product, you need to activate your license key. To activate your license key: Dashboard > Rise Blocks > License. Paste the License Key in the specified area. Click Save and activate it.

Can I use product if i don’t renew?

Yes, of course. You can use the product for life time. Only the supports and updates won’t be available if you won’t renew.

Still have a queries?

If you don’t get the correct answers, get in touch and we will be happy to help.
Live Chat or official email available to guide you to set up website.